
课程咨询:(9:00-24:00) 在线咨询


2019/5/16 23:15:06
人气: 来源:成都新航道雅思学校





Young people are leaving their homes from rural areas to study or work in the cities. What are the reasons? Do advantages of this development outweigh its disadvantages?






Nowadays a growing number of young people are leaving rural areas in order to become successful economically or academically in urban areas. 如今,越来越多的年轻人离开农村,以便在城市取得经济上或学业上的成功。

解析:本段开门见山,引出下文即将讨论的现象。A growing number of young people 越来越多的年轻人; ...to become successful economically or academically ......取得经济上或学业上的成功(这是对题目原文 “to study or work”进行的改写)


It is a well-known fact that rural areas lack economic and academic opportunities compared with urban areas. Usually, a variety of serious issues confront young people in villages such as the high unemployment rate and low educational level. So, it is only logical that young people are being pushed away from rural areas and being pulled to urban areas in search of better-paid jobs or better-managed schools. In this push-and-pull situation, many families might encourage their young relatives to move to cities for work or study because there are not many economic or academic opportunities available in the rural areas. 与城市地区相比,农村地区缺乏经济和求学机会,这是众所周知的事实。通常,农村的年轻人面临着各种各样的严重问题,比如就业率低,教育水平低。因此,年轻人被推着离开农村,并被吸引到城市去寻找薪水更高的工作或经营更好的学校,这是合乎逻辑的。在这种“推动-吸引”的情形中,许多家庭可能会鼓励其年轻亲友搬到城市工作或学习,因为在乡村找不到太多的经济或求学机会。

解析:本段讨论为什么乡村年轻人会去城市发展。首先是乡村缺少机会,然后是这些年轻人也会得到鼓励去城市工作或求学。 A variety of 各种各样的;Confront 面临;In search of 寻找;Available 可以获得的;可以使用的


This one-way traffic of human resources may have crucial effects on both rural and urban areas. To begin with, it may result in the imbalance of population between the already intensely populated urban areas and the rural areas that young people leave behind. While the cities get increasingly over-crowded, villages will suffer from the shortage of manpower. Another possible downside of this rural-urban mobility is that, without proper training, the young rural people moving into cities may not be able to find a job, which, then, will bring about a series of social problems. It is self-evident that, however, the migration of young people from the countryside to cities will provide sufficient human resources necessary for the urban development.这种单向的人力资源流动可能会对农村和城市地区产生至关重要的影响。首先,它可能会导致在已经人口密集的城市和年轻人留在身后的乡村地区之间的人口不平衡。当城市变得越来越拥挤时,村庄却将受到劳动力短缺的影响。这种从农村到城市的移动还有一个缺点:如果没有适当的培训,移居城市的农村青年可能找不到工作,这将带来一系列社会问题。然而,不言而喻,青年人从农村迁移到城市将为城市发展提供足够的人力资源。

解析:本段论述乡村年轻人进入城市的好处和坏处:好处包括为城市发展提供劳动力;坏处包括人口拥挤和相关社会问题。One-way traffic 单项流动;Crucial effect 关键影响;Result in 导致;Leave behind 留在身后;抛开;Shortage 短缺;Downside 不利之处;Self-evident 明显的; Migration 迁移(本文替换使用了几个单词表达同样意思:mobility; movement; traffic, exodus)


To sum up, looking for greater academic and professional opportunities is the major cause of the rural exodus. Whether this will lead to positive or negative effects, we still have to wait and see.总之,寻找更多的学习和职业机会是农村人口外流的主要原因。这会带来正面或负面的影响,我们仍需拭目以待。

解析:总结已经论述的原因以及可能带来的影响,但对其最终的影响表示还说不准。Exodus (大规模)出走;离开;Lead to 导致;Wait and see 拭目以待




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